How Long Does the Sun Protection Last in Sun-Protective Clothing? - Ask Elmo

How Long Does the Sun Protection Last in Sun-Protective Clothing? - Ask Elmo

Dear Elmo,

How long does the UPF 50 sun protection last in a sun shirt?

Longer than a dog biscuit, that’s for sure. Actually, it even lasts longer than a whole 50-pound bag of dog food.

If you go for high-quality sun shirts (like ours) where the sun protection is built into the fabric, you can expect the sun protection to last for the entire lifetime of the shirt.

If you opt for UV clothing where the sun protection is sprayed onto the fabric, you can expect the protection to dwindle after as a few as five washes. That’s right. The spray-on protection rather quickly washes out of the shirt.

We vote sticking with the high-quality UPF 50 shirts you’ll find at, and we can certainly vouch for their quality.

We spent an extensive amount of time and energy testing multiple sun shirts from various manufacturers until we landed on the selection of top-tier shirts we felt confident carrying.

The sun shirts we opted for are made out of high-tech fabrics that withstand:

  • Loads of sun
  • The dye sublimation printing process we use to create graphic tees
  • Swimming and boating
  • Hiking and biking
  • All types of outdoor (and indoor) activities

More than once we’ve also heard our sun shirts make great sleep shirts, thanks to the moisture-wicking properties that keep you dry and cool all night long.

Quick Note on this Sun Protection Longevity Blog

This blog is from a series called: Short Answers to Common Sun Shirt Questions. We could have put all the info in one big-long blog but then it would be one big-long thing to read. We’re keeping it short and sweet.

Know that when it comes to sun protection tips and sun shirt questions, we got you covered – in UPF sun protective clothing to be exact. Visit our Cape Life shop in downtown Cape Coral or shop online right here at


Written by Elmo Gargulinski

Also known as the Sun King, Elmo Gargulinski has three favorite activities. One is eating. The second is basking in the sun. And the third is answering questions about UPF50 sun shirts and related topics.
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