What is the Safest Sun Protection? - Ask Elmo
Dear Elmo,
In your wise canine opinion, what’s the safest sun protection?
Since we specialize in sun shirts, love sun shirts, and wear sun shirts all year long, we’re going to say sun shirts provide the safest sun protection. In fact, they leave sunscreen in the dust any day of the week.
Why Sun Shirts are Safer Than Sunscreen for Sun Protection:
You don’t have to remember to reapply a sun shirt after you get wet, sweaty or two hours go by.
Sun protective clothing doesn’t contain meradimate, oxybenzone, cinoxate, padimate O, or other weirdo ingredients you’ll find in some sunscreen.
You don’t have to worry about the UPF fabric leeching strange chemicals into your body or the environment.
Slip on the sun shirt, and your totally covered. No missed areas that can end up burned – like that small patch in the exact middle of your back where sunscreen never seems to reach.
Sun protection fabrics automatically safeguard against both UVA and UVB rays. Most sunscreens only protect against UVB rays. Even many designated “broad spectrum,” which are meant to protect against UVA and UVB rays, have been found to be inadequate when it comes to UVA protection.
What Else You Need to Know about Sun Protection
While the sun shirt (literally) has your back, you still want to protect your head, eyes and other bodily areas. Sun hats are a must, as are sunglasses and additional protection as needed and desired.
Beach tents can be a total game changer for hanging out at the beach for extended periods. And don’t forget to stay hydrated and bring plenty of snacks (for you and your dog).
If you also want to add sunscreen into the mix, choose one with safe ingredients – like those verified by the Environmental Working Group (EWG).
Note on this Sun Protection Post
This post is from a series called: Short Answers to Common Sun Shirt Questions. We could have put all the info in one big-long blog but then it would be one big-long thing to read. We’re keeping it short and sweet.
Know that when it comes to sun tips and sun shirt questions, we got you covered – in UPF sun protective clothing to be exact. Visit our Cape Life shop in downtown Cape Coral or shop online right here at CapeLifeApparel.com.